State of Nature Twitter Storm
Join us on Twitter between 7pm and 9pm BST on Saturday 29th May 2021 to get the #StateofNature hashtag trending as we all share why the state of nature is important to us.
This is your chance to become an armchair activist, creating positive change by signing petitions and supporting campaigns.
Join us on Twitter between 7pm and 9pm BST on Saturday 29th May 2021 to get the #StateofNature hashtag trending as we all share why the state of nature is important to us.
"Butterflies are nature's angels. They remind us what a gift it is to be alive" (Robyn Nola - Artist)
Prosperity (noun): a successful, flourishing or thriving condition.
Who would have thought, as we all celebrated last new year, that such a dark shadow would be cast over civilisation in 2020?
It's a basic human instinct; to protect what we love. But what if we are unable to do that?
In 2013, when we started getting the message out, concerning the state of UK nature, we were told that it was a waste of time because people simply didn't care! Six years on and we now have over 140,000 followers on social media and the majority of them certainly do seem to care! We are now also working on the ground across Birmingham and finding, once again, that the majority of people do care, when they receive the facts about the state of nature!
Once individuals become aware of the ecological crisis unfolding outside their windows, the next question tends to be "what can we do to make a difference?". So we worked with our followers and supporters to create "The People's #100Actions4Nature" which clearly demonstrates how everyone has the power to help restore nature through simple actions!
When we announced that we were planning to work closely with the business community, we were advised not to "because they were the problem"! So we spoke to business owners and guess what? The majority do care about nature and the health and wellbeing that parks and other open spaces bring to their neighbourhoods, and want to make a difference!
© 2023 Team4Nature (Birmingham) Ltd
Registered in England. Company No: 14768941